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克里斯·里夫世界顶尖做工的美国品牌,坚固、耐用的特质使CRK声名远播,最具经典的现代绅士刀的完美典范,功能和细节被设计得十分彻底和周到,Chris Reeve Knives以时尚和创新的设计而闻名,为刀具行业做出了巨大贡献。

Chris Reeve Knives apart from most others is dedication to quality, performance and value for money. These knives are working tools of supreme strength and durability. They have been tested extensively and are the result of unique design, top quality steel, sophisticated machining, hand craftsmanship and good old-fashioned hard work!


Chris Reeve的创新和品控为现代刀具树立了新的标准。除了有大小尺寸、版本的变化之外,还有一系列不同的装饰,如独特的雕刻、定制的图形和镶嵌。CRK制造出来的每个型号都是最高质量的,这是一个令人难以置信的职业生涯的最高成就!


Chris Reeve makes exceptionally practical knives, suitable for everday, backpacking hiking or camping, and exceptionally smooth and beautiful craftmanship.